Sérum de crescimento de pestanas Spectral.LASH
O estimulador de crescimento de pestanas Spectral.LASH, um tratamento de vanguarda dos Laboratórios DS, demonstrou clinicamente que as pestanas crescem 25% mais em apenas duas semanas. Muitos utilizadores também desfrutam de uma maior espessura e densidade. O Spectral.LASH utiliza um complexo de péptidos inovador e não um medicamento para o glaucoma como o Bimatoprost. Os péptidos funcionam estimulando a expressão dos genes da queratina e melhorando a saúde geral das pálpebras. Estes desenvolvimentos representam os mais recentes esforços em biotecnologia, fazendo avançar a segurança e a eficácia do crescimento das pestanas.
Tamanho: 2,4 ml (suficiente para 2-3 meses).
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Both women and men benefit from longer, thicker eyelashes.
Spectral.LASH grows eyelashes 25 percent longer.
Results are clearly visible in just four weeks.
Spectral.LASH deploys a breakthrough peptide complex built of structural amino acids, not a relabeled glaucoma drug sometimes associated with itching and change of eye color.
Peptides stimulate the expression of keratin genes.
Spectral.LASH is indicated to treat hypotrichosis (deficiency of hair) at the eyelashes.
Spectral.LASH offers a safe, effective alternative to common makeup, false eyelashes, glaucoma drugs, and riskier treatments.
Spectral.LASH does not clump, smudge, run down the face, or require reapplication constantly.
Eyelashes enhanced by Spectral.LASH look completely natural, because they are.
Spectral.LASH is not a relabeled synthetic prostaglandin analog like Bimatoprost or other glaucoma drugs.
Yes, patients can try Spectral.LASH to enhance eyelashes that may fall out after chemotherapy.
Lush eyelashes protect vision by defending eyes against debris.
Eyelashes grow slower than scalp hairs: on average 0.12 ±0.05 mm per day.
The mean duration of a complete eyelash growth cycle is 90 ±5 days.
The anagen growth phase of an eyelash is 34 ±9 days.
Keratin forms the chemical basis of epidermal tissues such as hair, nails, and eyelashes.
Anti-aging, anti-acne, wound healing, immune stimulation, and hair growth are among the applications for peptide complexes.
Increases in the expression of several genes range from around 60 to 160 percent.
For best results, apply Spectral.LASH twice daily, morning and evening.
Draw the applicator across the eyelids as if applying eyeliner.
Do not share your Spectral.LASH pen with others. Apply with a steady hand.