- Fibres capillaires à la kératine Beaver - Blond (28 gr)
Fibres capillaires à la kératine Beaver - Blond (28 gr)
Les fibres capillaires à la kératine sont la solution cosmétique parfaite pour transformer l'apparence des cheveux clairsemés en peu de temps. Les fibres capillaires adhèrent aux cheveux existants et les rendent plus épais et plus volumineux.
Les minuscules fibres sont composées de protéines naturelles. L'effet est naturel et invisible pour les autres personnes. Par conséquent, les fibres capillaires permettent à de nombreuses personnes de reprendre confiance en elles. Les fibres capillaires restent en place tout au long de la journée, ne laissent aucun résidu et sont, surtout après fixation, résistantes au vent, à la pluie et à la transpiration.
Les fibres capillaires de Beaver Professional sont de la plus haute qualité. Le spécialiste de la croissance des cheveux est un importateur direct de Beaver Professional en Europe occidentale, ce qui nous permet de proposer ces fibres capillaires à un prix nettement inférieur à celui d'autres marques telles que Toppik et Nanogen.
Commandez la couleur qui se rapproche le plus de votre couleur de cheveux. Si votre couleur de cheveux se situe entre deux couleurs disponibles, mélangez les deux couleurs.
Les fibres capillaires sont disponibles en deux tailles : 28 grammes et 12 grammes. Dans le cadre d'une utilisation normale, 28 grammes suffisent pour environ 2 mois.
En savoir plus
Pour qui et pour quoi les fibres capillaires sont-elles les plus adaptées ?
Les fibres capillaires sont une solution cosmétique pour camoufler la chute ou l'amincissement des cheveux. Les fibres capillaires garantissent des cheveux plus épais et plus volumineux. Ils peuvent être utilisés en cas de faible densité de cheveux, de cheveux fins, de calvitie tels que les tempes et la couronne. Les fibres capillaires conviennent aux hommes et aux femmes et peuvent être utilisées aussi bien pour les cheveux longs que pour les cheveux courts.
Il est important que les fibres capillaires puissent adhérer aux cheveux existants. En cas de cheveux coupés en brosse ou de calvitie sans poils, les fibres capillaires n'auront pas assez d'adhérence. Lorsque sur une zone chauve, aucun cheveu ne pousse plus du tout, les fibres capillaires se posent simplement sur le cuir chevelu. Cela rend la tache moins visible, mais cela donne un aspect moins «complet» et peut sembler non naturel.
Les fibres capillaires peuvent également être utilisées pour le traitement de l'excroissance des cheveux teints, bien que les fibres n'aient pas été spécifiquement conçues à cet effet.
Les fibres capillaires peuvent parfaitement être utilisées en complément de nos autres produits. À court terme, les fibres capillaires camouflent les cheveux plus fins, tandis qu'en combinaison avec une lotion stimulante pour la croissance des cheveux, un shampooing, etc., la perte de cheveux peut être réduite et la croissance des cheveux est stimulée.
Que sont exactement les fibres capillaires ?
Les fibres capillaires sont constituées de kératine, la même protéine naturelle dont sont constitués les cheveux. Les fibres capillaires ressemblent donc à de vrais cheveux et sont invisibles pour les autres. Les fibres ressemblent un peu à une poudre, mais au microscope, vous pouvez voir que ce sont de petites fibres.
Grâce à l'électricité statique, les fibres adhèrent aux poils disponibles comme s'il s'agissait de minuscules aimants. Cela signifie que même les cheveux les plus fins (vellus) se transformeront en cheveux plus épais et plus épais. Ainsi, les cheveux commenceront à paraître plus volumineux en général, les taches plus fines seront moins visibles.
Comment utiliser les fibres capillaires ?
Les fibres capillaires sont faciles à appliquer en gardant le flacon à l'envers et en secouant légèrement autour des zones à traiter. En quelques secondes, des milliers de minuscules fibres capillaires se mélangent à vos propres cheveux. Lorsque les fibres capillaires sont légèrement saupoudrées sur les cheveux, les fibres adhèrent aux poils présents. Après application, les fibres doivent être étalées en tapotant légèrement sur les cheveux du bout des doigts.
Les fibres capillaires sont disponibles en 9 couleurs de cheveux. Commandez la couleur qui ressemble le plus à votre propre couleur de cheveux. Lorsque vous avez une couleur de cheveux qui se situe entre deux couleurs de cheveux disponibles, le mélange de deux couleurs vous donnera le résultat le plus naturel.
Lorsqu'elles sont appliquées correctement, les fibres resteront en place pendant une journée entière. Surtout lorsque le spray de maintien des fibres est utilisé. Cela garantit une meilleure adhérence des fibres aux cheveux et une fixation extra forte, de sorte que vous pouvez être 100% confiant, même sous la pluie et le vent. Les fibres capillaires sont lavables avec un shampooing.
Lisez les instructions d'utilisation ci-dessous pour l'application exacte étape par étape.
Les fibres capillaires assurent un aspect plus épais et plus complet des cheveux et camouflent les zones sur la tête où poussent moins et/ou des cheveux plus fins. Parce que les fibres capillaires sont faites de kératine, elles se mélangent facilement avec vos propres cheveux pour un look naturel.
L'application sera plus facile et plus rapide après un peu de pratique. Par conséquent, lisez attentivement les conseils et les informations sur cette page pour un résultat final satisfaisant.
Marque | Beaver Professional |
Un bon traitement pour | Camouflage de la calvitie/des cheveux fins |
Caractéristiques | Sans parabène, Sans silicone, Sans SLS, Sans sulfate |
Couleurs | Blonde |
Contenu | 28 grammes |
Utilisation prescrite | 1x par jour |
Convient à | Hommes, Femmes, Femmes enceintes, Moins de 18 ans, 18-65 ans, Plus de 65 ans |
code à barre | 6943074186277 |
Kératine -
- chlorure de cétrimonium -
- silice -
- hydantoïne DMDM -
- oxydes de fer
Good preparation is of great importance. Then applying the hair fibers is done in a couple of simple steps. This is briefly explained below. Do you still have questions after reading these steps? Continue reading under the 4 steps, here you will find very extensive user instructions and advice.
- Choose the right color hair fibers. If necessary, combine two colors for the best result.
- Ensure that the hair is dry when the hair fibers are applied.
- When you use gel, apply it before using hair fibers and let the gel dry properly first.
- Style your hair.
Step 1
Unscrew the protection cap, shake the bottle of hair fibers gently up and down and sprinkle the hair fibers on the desired areas on the head until the skin is no longer visible. If desired, all of the hair can be treated.
It is better to use too few hair fibers than too many. Therefore it is best to apply the hair fibers in several stages, rather than a lot of it in one go.
When you use a mix of two colors, start with the darkest color.
To be able to apply the hair fibers even easier, more targeted and efficiently, the handy hair fiber applicator can be used. When you use the applicator, it is advisable to shake the bottle of hair fibers regularly, so the hair fibers keep their loose structure.
The hairline optimizer helps to quickly and easily create a natural looking hairline.
Step 2
Look at the result. If necessary, apply another layer of hair fibers until the desired result has been achieved.
Lightly tap on the hair to spread out the fibers. You can also brush the hair gently and superficially using your fingers or a coarse brush.
Step 3
Apply the fiber hold spray to the treated areas and/or all of the hair. Keep a distance of about 30 cm when doing this.
The hair fibers can stay in place throughout the entire day. Of course for that, the advice must be followed carefully. The hair fibers can be rinsed out by washing the hair with shampoo.
Step 4
Enjoy a full head of hair!
Want to read more about the use of the hair fibers? Read more below.
Practical application / applying on the hair
Just like styling a haircut, applying hair fibers requires some practice and will always become easier to do. While you'll probably need up to fifteen minutes the first time to apply hair fibers to your satisfaction, you will soon be able to do this within a few minutes.
Lightly sprinkle the hair fibers so that they easily spread across the existing hair. If necessary, use the hair fiber applicator to apply the fibers more evenly and more targeted.
Style the hair as desired. Very important is that the hair fibers are applied to fully dry hair. When you use gel, do this prior to the use of the hair fibers and make sure that it has properly dried up before applying the fibers.
The hair fibers are available in 9 colors. Use the color that most resembles your own hair color or mix two colors. When you use a mix of two colors, start with the darkest color.
Unscrew the cap of the bottle of hair fibers. You now see a lid with tiny holes. Hold the bottle, with the opening fully directed downwards, above the area that you wish to cover and shake the bottle up and down. Sprinkle the hair fibers onto the desired areas until the skin is no longer visible. Use your free hand to guide the application and use a mirror to be able to see better which areas still need thickening. It's not a problem when fibers end up in the surrounding hairs, they will not be visible. If necessary, use the hair fibers with the head down to prevent fibers from going into your eyes.
Do you use the hair fiber applicator to apply the hair fibers? Then it's advisable to shake the bottle of hair fibers regularly, so the hair fibers keep their loose structure.
When applying hair fibers at the front, spread your thumb and index finger and place your hand on your forehead, just below the hairline. This way, you will prevent the hair fibers from getting onto your forehead. You can also use the hairline optimizer, a useful tool for applying hair fibers at the front.
Applying less often gives better results. To make sure you do not apply too many fibers, making it too thick and therefore appear too unnatural, applying it in layers (in several 'stages') is better than in 1 go. The use of the hair fiber applicator may come in handy.
Finally, take a look into the mirror. Continue to fill up the hair if necessary. With a little bit more experience you will quickly learn to apply it without needing to look into the mirror (too often).
Brush the treated area lightly and superficially with your hands or a coarse brush.
If the hair is not yet full enough, it can be further filled up with extra fibers and made lighter with the hands or a comb.
If desired, apply the fiber hold spray of Beaver Professional to the treated areas. When doing this, keep a distance of about 30 cm so that the spray can be lightly and evenly dispersed across the hair and hair fibers.
Also check out our 10 tips for using hair fibers for best results.
Do you have any questions about fitting the hair fibers into your daily routine? For example whether you can sleep or exercise with hair fibers? Read more below.
Daily use of hair fibers
Suitable for the entire day
Hair fibers, just like styling products, stay in your hair throughout the entire day after applying. They can be rinsed out with water and shampoo. Carefully check our tips on this page for optimal results.
The hair fibers adhere well to your hair on their own. Use the fixative spray to improve the adhesion of the fibers to your hairs. This also makes the fibers more resistant to wind and rain.
Washing the hair
The hair can be washed prior to applying the fibers. Ensure that the hair is completely dry when you apply the fibers, then the hair fibers can spread well across the hairs. When you have hair fibers in your hair and you wash your hair, you will rinse out the hair fibers. Even when you used the fixative spray; the spray is good at handling rain, but it can not handle a lot of water.
Combing the hair
It is recommended to first style the hair with a comb before applying the hair fibers. When you have applied the hair fibers, you could superficially and coarsely brush your hair or comb the hair with your hands. When you have used the fixative spray, the hair can be brushed after the spray has dried for a softer looking result. The spray keeps the fibers in place.
Use together with gel/styling products
The combination between gel and hair fibers is possible, but keep in mind the possibility of a less good looking result. The hair fibers adhere to the hairs when applying. When the gel causes the hairs to stick together, there are fewer hairs for the hair fibers to adhere to.
When you use gel, apply it before applying hair fibers and let the gel dry properly first before starting with the application of the fibers. When you apply this in reverse, the wet gel will pull the hair fibers away from the hairs and the hair fibers will start sticking together.
Alternatives such as wax, in small amounts, could possibly be used after applying the fibers, because it will not make the hair wet or start sticking together. This does require some skill and practice. Hair spray can be used fine, provided not too much is used, causing the hair to become moist.
For best results, we recommend to only use the fiber hold spray. The spray adheres the hair fibers to the hair, without wiping them away. Moreover, the spray will fixate the hair, making the hair keep its styling. The hair fiber fixative spray also contains ingredients to nourish the hair and hair fibers.
Use in combination with a hair growth stimulating lotion
When you use a hair growth stimulating lotion such as Spectral.DNC-N, first apply the lotion and then let it completely soak in. The use of hair fibers will have a much better result on a dry scalp and hair. Moreover, the lotion may not be absorbed properly when fibers are used.
A lotion must be used twice per day. When you use hair fibers in addition to the lotion, we recommend the following routine. Apply the lotion in the morning and let it soak in properly. Then apply the hair fibers. Rinse your hair before going to bed and/or wash the hair. This will wash the fibers from the hair so that they can not fall out during the night. Then apply the lotion and go to bed.
Swimming and exercising with hair fibers
The hair fibers may be washed out or start to clump together when the hair becomes too moist. You could basically exercise with the fibers, but they are less resistant against heavy perspiration. With the fixative spray, it also remains in place when it becomes wet, but just like any other styling product, this spray will wash out during swimming, in case of heavy rainfall or perspiration.
Walking / cycling through rain and wind
In case of light to moderate rain (and wind), the hair fibers will remain in place when the fixative spray has been used. When the spray is not used, the fibers will not simply be washed or blown out from the hair in case of rain or wind, but the chance of this happening is increased. In case of heavy rainfall, the same goes for washing the hair: the fibers are not resistant to this.
Rinsing out the hair fibers
You will wash out all of the hair fibers by washing the hair with shampoo.
Sleeping with hair fibers
It is basically possible to sleep with the hair fibers. However, chances are that the hair fibers will become loose during sleeping and they may end up on your pillow case. We recommend to wash the hair before sleeping.
Storing the bottle of hair fibers
The hair fibers are often used in the bathroom. We recommend doing this when the bathroom is no longer damp from showering. When applying, the hair fibers are sensitive to moist, making it possible for them to start clumping together.
Additionally, we recommend to close the bottle of hair fibers properly and to store the bottle in a dry place, preferably outside the bathroom or behind a door in a cabinet. The bottle is easy to close, but in the long term some moist may get into the bottle.
Avis des clients
I use the hair fibers when my hair gets a bit limp and greasy, and also to hide gray outgrowths a bit. My hair sits well again for a few days after using it!
Very happy with this product along with the spray, also the delivery is always on time !
Top stuff, with my light scalp and pitch black hair I can finally wear my hair short too without a huge look on my scalp. Hides my crown nicely. No more insecure about my hair!!! Highly recommended
I have been using the product for more than 1 year. The color matches fine and lasts long enough. Can use it for about 1 month.
I have been using this product for several years, very happy with it. It covers most thin spots and makes your hair look thicker and fuller because it sticks to each hair. You do need some experience in using it and finding the right color so it looks as natural as possible. I've tried other brands too, but Beaver remains my favorite, even during sports it stays on well and you don't sweat it off.
Reviews in Other Languages
My husband uses this as he's going a bit thin on top. I find it makes a great difference to his hair, no more patchy looking bits, plus the fine fibres blend in so it doesn't look caked! Definitely recommend this product.
Fine! Highly recommended!

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