Androgenetic alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is a common form of hair loss that affects both men and women. The term refers to genetic hair loss following the male pattern of baldness. Although it is often associated with men, women can also be affected by AGA. In fact, AGA is the most common form of hair loss in adults.

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What is androgenetic alopecia?

Alopecia androgenetica is an inherited form of hair loss characterised by thinning hair and hair loss, usually following a specific pattern. In men, AGA is caused by sensitivity to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone can shrink hair follicles, causing thinner hair that grows shorter. In women, DHT also plays a role in hereditary hair loss, but other factors also seem to influence it.

What is the cause of androgenetic alopecia?

The main cause of androgenetic alopecia is genetic predisposition, with certain genes increasing the risk of hair loss. In men, AGA is almost always caused by sensitivity to DHT, while in women, other factors also seem to play a role. This genetic predisposition can be passed from generation to generation, which explains why AGA is more prevalent in some families.

How do you know if you have androgenetic alopecia?

Androgenetic alopecia usually starts with thinning hair and hair loss in certain areas. In men, this often manifests as a receding hairline, inlets or thinning hair at the crown. In women, hair can become progressively thinner all over the scalp, especially at the parting and crown.

Androgenetic alopecia in men

About 70% of all men experience AGA at some point in their lives. This hereditary form of hair loss in men often starts between the ages of 20 and 40, but can also occur as early as puberty. The genes responsible for this are passed down from the maternal grandfather. The rate at which baldness occurs varies greatly from person to person.

Source: Intermedica (2023). Androgenetic alopecia in men [Photo]. Intermedica. Accessed July 2, 2024, from

Treatment for men

For men with AGA, different treatments are available depending on the stage of hair loss.

  • Beginning hair loss: At this stage, a hair growth-stimulating shampoo such as Neofollics shampoo can be a good option. This special shampoo is designed to promote hair growth while keeping the scalp healthy. Regular use makes hair stronger and thicker and reduces hair loss.
Neofollics shampoo

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The hair growth stimulating shampoo by Neofollics Hair Technology is a powerful shampoo that stimulates hair growth and inhibits hair loss. At the same time, it is very effective against dandruff and promotes the growth of thicker and fuller hair.
  • Moderate hair loss: In addition to shampoo, men may consider adding lotion to their treatment, such as Neofollics lotion. Neofollics lotion can be applied directly to the scalp and helps stimulate hair growth.
Neofollics tablets

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Neofollics hair growth supporting tablets contain an effective combination of only the best, natural ingredients that stimulate healthy hair growth from within.
  • Advanced hair loss: Men in advanced stages of hair loss may require additional treatments, such as Neofollics tablets or laser therapy with the Theradome laser helmet. Neofollics tablets contain powerful DHT inhibitors and essential nutrients that help healthy hair growth from within. They can slow hair loss and promote the growth of new hair. Laser therapy with the Theradome laser helmet is an effective and safe option that can promote new hair growth and reduce hair loss.
Neofollics lotion

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The Neofollics hair growth stimulating lotion is clinically proven to stimulating new hair growth and combating hair loss. The lotion can also ensure thicker and fuller hair. Neofollics lotion contains a high concentration of 10 proven active ingredients, combined in the Neoxyl® hair growth complex.

Androgenetic alopecia in women

Although fewer women than men suffer from AGA, a significant number of women are still affected. In women over 70, at least one in three have symptoms of AGA. Research estimates that between 3 and 6% of all women under the age of 30 suffer from it.

This hereditary form of hair loss in women usually starts later than in men, often after menopause, but it can also occur earlier. The hair gradually becomes thinner all over the scalp, especially in areas such as the parting and crown.

Source: Intermedica (2023). Androgenetic alopecia in women [Photo]. Intermedica. Accessed July 2, 2024, from

Treatment for women

For women with AGA, different treatments are available depending on the stage of hair loss.

  • Beginning hair loss: For women in the early stages of hair loss, a hair growth-stimulating shampoo such as Neofollics shampoo or Veta shampoo may be a good choice. These shampoos contain ingredients that reduce hair loss and stimulate hair growth, making hair stronger and healthier.
Neofollics shampoo

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The hair growth stimulating shampoo by Neofollics Hair Technology is a powerful shampoo that stimulates hair growth and inhibits hair loss. At the same time, it is very effective against dandruff and promotes the growth of thicker and fuller hair.

Veta shampoo (250 ml)

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The Veta hair growth stimulating shampoo is an ideal shampoo for men and women with starting hair loss. The shampoo is designed for people with hereditary hair loss, hormonal hair loss and hair loss due to stress. The shampoo also provides thicker, longer and voluminous looking hair. Veta shampoo contains several scientifically proven ingredients that stimulate hair growth in multiple ways.

  • Moderate hair loss: In addition to shampoo, women can add nutritional supplements such as Neofollics tablets to their daily routine. These tablets contain powerful DHT inhibitors and essential nutrients that support hair growth from within and can reduce hair loss.
Neofollics tablets

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Neofollics hair growth supporting tablets contain an effective combination of only the best, natural ingredients that stimulate healthy hair growth from within.

  • Advanced hair loss: Women in advanced stages of hair loss may require additional treatments, such as Neofollics lotion or laser therapy with the Theradome laser helmet. Neofollics lotion can be applied directly to the scalp to stimulate hair growth. Laser therapy with the Theradome laser helmet is an effective and safe option that can promote new hair growth and reduce hair loss.
Neofollics lotion

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The Neofollics hair growth stimulating lotion is clinically proven to stimulating new hair growth and combating hair loss. The lotion can also ensure thicker and fuller hair. Neofollics lotion contains a high concentration of 10 proven active ingredients, combined in the Neoxyl® hair growth complex.

Theradome LH80 PRO laser helmet

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The Theradome LH80 PRO laser helmet is a wireless laser helmet that stimulates hair growth in both men and women by means of laser light (low level laser therapy or LLLT) and stops hair loss. Treatment of hair loss with the Theradome takes 20 minutes at a time, twice a week and has no side effects.

Tip: Temporary camouflage for during your hair growth treatment

When you start a hair growth treatment, several months pass until the first results are visible. During this period, you can also use temporary, concealing products that will give your hair more volume and make it look fuller.

Hair fibres are made of keratin, the same natural protein that hair is made of. The fibres look like powder, but under the microscope you can see that they are tiny thin fibres. By means of static electricity, the fibres attach to the existing hair like tiny magnets. Thus, the hair as a whole starts to look fuller and thinner spots become less visible.

In addition to hair fibres, you can also opt for a colour spray as temporary camouflage. Colour sprays are designed to disguise thinning hair or simply to give hair a better look. The spray can also be used well to cover outgrowth and grey hair.

Androgenetic alopecia combined with hormonal hair loss

For some women, hormonal hair loss can exacerbate the symptoms of AGA. Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during menopause or transition, can worsen hair loss in women who already suffer from Androgenetic Alopecia. Also, stopping or starting birth control pills can have an impact on the hormonal balance, which in turn can contribute to hair loss. In these cases, specific treatment may be necessary to address these hormonal changes and reduce hair loss.

Spectral-CSF lotion is a product that specifically targets hormonal hair loss. It contains ingredients that help counteract the effects of hormonal changes on the scalp and hair growth. For women dealing with both androgenetic alopecia and hormonal hair loss, Spectral-CSF lotion can be a suitable option to address both problems.

Spectral.CSF lotion

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Spectral.CSF is specifically developed for women. This lotion is particularly suitable for women with hair loss and thinning hair due to hormonal changes, for instance after pregnancy or menopause. This lotion contains new key ingredients that have clinically shown to be effective in women.

If you are unsure about which treatment is best for your situation, it is always wise to seek personal advice. Our hair specialists will help put together a tailor-made treatment plan to suit your specific needs and circumstances.

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Is androgenetic alopecia curable?

At the moment, unfortunately, there is no definitive cure for AGA. Androgenetic alopecia will not recover spontaneously and in men, except for a last strip of hair, the entire skull may eventually go bald. Although women are less likely to experience overall baldness than men, it is important to note that sensitivity to male hormones in the blood and differences in the hair growth cycle between men and women can affect the course of hair loss.

However, with our hair growth treatments, the process of hair loss can be slowed down, and hair growth can be stimulated. By starting treatment early, the best results can be achieved. So it is vital not to wait and take immediate action when you notice the first signs of hair loss. Our treatments are designed to strengthen the hair follicles, promote hair growth and make the hair healthier, which can help prevent further hair loss and slow down the hair loss process.