The Norwood scale: A guide to male pattern baldness

Male pattern baldness, known in medical terms as androgenetic alopecia, is a common problem affecting men of all ages. It involves the gradual thinning of hair and can eventually lead to complete hair loss on certain parts of the head. One of the most widely used methods to accurately measure hair loss in men is the Norwood scale. Let's look at what this scale entails, how it is used and what solutions we offer for men with hair loss at different stages.
The Norwood scale: A guide to male pattern baldness

The Norwood scale: A guide to male pattern baldness

Male pattern baldness, known in medical terms as androgenetic alopecia, is a common problem affecting men of all ages. It involves the gradual thinning of hair and can eventually lead to complete hair loss on certain parts of the head. One of the most widely used methods to accurately measure hair loss in men is the Norwood scale. Let's look at what this scale entails, how it is used and what solutions we offer for men with hair loss at different stages.
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What is the Norwood scale?

The Norwood scale is a classification system used to measure and categorise male pattern baldness. First developed by Dr James Hamilton in the 1950s, the scale was later revised by Dr O'Tar Norwood in the 1970s and this version is most commonly referred to today. The scale is made up of seven different phases, each representing a specific stage of hair loss.

The stages of the Norwood scale

  • Phase one: In this phase, hair loss is minimal and the hairline is not visibly receding.

  • Phase two: There is hair loss around the temples, but this is not yet significant and is often considered a normal, mature hairline.

  • Phase three: Hair loss becomes noticeable, with a deep retreat of the hairline at the temples, giving it an M, U or V shape. The hair becomes thinner and baldness becomes visible.

  • Phase four: Hair loss is now clearly visible along the top of the head, although a thin hairline is still present separating the two areas.

  • Phase five: Baldness is more evident, with residual hair on the sides and back of the head, and a thin and sparsely hairy strip on top.

  • Phase six: The individual areas of hair loss are no longer separated by a band of thinning hair.

  • Phase seven: This is the final stage of the Norwood scale, where the remaining hair on the head looks like a band running around the sides and back of the head. The hair may be thin or sparse.

Using the Norwood scale

The Norwood scale is of great value to dermatologists for measuring male pattern baldness. By accurately measuring the degree of hair loss with this scale, they can offer personalised treatments to suit each patient's specific needs. For patients themselves, the Norwood scale is also a useful tool to understand the severity of their hair loss and make informed decisions about possible treatments.

Solutions for hair loss

We understand how hair loss can affect your self-confidence, which is why we offer a variety of products that can address hair loss in men at different stages. Our hair growth-stimulating lotions, shampoos and supplements are specifically designed to promote hair growth, reduce hair loss and improve overall scalp health.

Whether you are in the early stages of hair loss or already at an advanced stage according to the Norwood scale, our products can help restore your hair and self-confidence. Through regular use of our products, you can slow down the process of hair loss and improve the condition of your hair and scalp.

The Neofollics Shampoo forms the basis of this treatment. This treatment is easy to use and protects the hair from the first effects of hereditary hair loss. With the Neofollics Tablets gives your hair an extra solid base

With the Neofollics Shampoo and the Neofollics Lotion, you have 2 topical products to stimulate hair growth from the outside. With the Neofollics Tablets you stimulate healthy hair growth from within. This treatment contains the highly effective Neoxyl 7% formula that has no side effects.

By using these products together, you prevent further hair loss, improve the overall condition of the hair and even stimulate new hair growth. With the shampoo, conditioner and lotion, you have 3 topical products to stimulate hair growth from the outside. The tablets will stimulate healthy hair growth from within.


The Norwood scale is an essential tool for measuring and classifying male pattern baldness. Among other things, it provides dermatologists with the information they need to develop effective treatment plans. We understand the impact hair loss can have on your life, which is why we offer a range of solutions to combat hair loss and restore self-confidence. With our hair growth-stimulating lotions, shampoos and supplements, you can take the first step towards fuller, healthier hair.

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