How to predict whether you will become bald

A glance at the scalp of your father will give you a first indication if you'll risk baldness or not. A look at your maternal grandfather’s hair, or the lack of it, gives you an even better idea of your chances of going bald. If both men have not much hair left, you will most likely follow their example. In this blog, the genetics behind the heredity of baldness will be explained, so you can make an educated guess predicting your likeliness of going bald.

How to predict whether you will become bald

How to predict whether you will become bald

A glance at the scalp of your father will give you a first indication if you'll risk baldness or not. A look at your maternal grandfather’s hair, or the lack of it, gives you an even better idea of your chances of going bald. If both men have not much hair left, you will most likely follow their example. In this blog, the genetics behind the heredity of baldness will be explained, so you can make an educated guess predicting your likeliness of going bald.

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Understanding genetics

The single most important cause of male pattern baldness is the genetic material someone has. This type of hair loss is hereditary and is known as androgenic alopecia. Research on identical twins has shown that male pattern baldness is mostly determined by genes. Before you read any further, note that female pattern baldness is caused by different mechanics. You can learn more about this here.

Human genes are stored on the chromosomes, which are to be found in the cell nucleus. Chromosomes are structures of coiled DNA carrying genetic information. Typically, humans have 46 chromosomes, which are grouped in pairs. 22 chromosome pairs are the autosomes. An autosome consists of one chromosome coming from the mother, and the other one stemming from the father.

The 23rd chromosome pair is different and determines your sex. The maternal chromosome is an X chromosome. During conception, a sperm cell randomly distributes another X chromosome, or a Y chromosome. Another X chromosome will result in a female (XX), while the XY combination is masculine. So, concerning males, the X chromosome is by default coming from the mother, while the Y chromosome comes certainly from the father.

What to do about hereditary baldness?

It is important to start treatment against hereditary hair loss as soon as you notice your hair thinning on your inlets or crown. This is because at that point, 50-70% of your hair has already been lost. If you act quickly, preserving your existing hair is easier than if the hair loss has been going on for longer. Moreover, regrowth can occur faster and more easily in some people than others. So it is highly recommended to start treatment as early as possible.

Neofollics' hair growth-stimulating products offer effective treatment against hereditary hair loss, among other things. The hair growth-stimulating shampoo forms the basis of the treatment. Combined with the conditioner, these products are a powerful way to stimulate hair growth, fight hair loss and nourish, strengthen and make hair shiny.

Neofollics Hair Technology's hair growth stimulating shampoo is best combined with Neofollics hair growth stimulating conditioner. The shampoo is a powerful way to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. At the same time, it is highly effective against dandruff and promotes the growth of thicker and fuller hair.

Need a hair growth treatment with even more impact? Then you can combine the shampoo/conditioner with the Neofollics lotion or tablets. The lotion is applied to the scalp where the hair is thinning and ensures that the hair stays in the growth phase longer, making it less likely to fall out. A lotion also protects the hair follicles from the harmful influence of the hormone DHT. The tablets take 1-3 times a day and counteract the process of hereditary hair loss with the help of various hair growth stimulating ingredients and DHT inhibitors.

Are you already at an advanced stage of hereditary hair loss? Then we recommend using the shampoo/conditioner, lotion and tablets together for maximum results.

Neofollics lotion contains a high concentration of 10 proven active ingredients combined in the Neoxyl hair growth complex. Hair growth molecules Adenosine, Vividine and Aminexil Six powerful plant extracts including Ecklonia cava and Raspberry ketone Peptides that improve scalp blood flow and inhibit inflammation

The specially formulated formulation is proven to help maintain normal hair growth, maintaining strong and shiny hair, improved hair volume

By using these products together, you prevent further hair loss, improve the overall condition of the hair and even stimulate new hair growth. With the shampoo, conditioner and lotion, you have 3 topical products to stimulate hair growth from the outside. The tablets will stimulate healthy hair growth from within.

The genetics of baldness

It has been demonstrated through research that the most important gene associated with baldness is the X chromosome. Since there is a fifty percent chance that this X chromosome was passed on by you maternal grandfather to your mother, the baldness of your maternal grandfather is a good predictor of your (future) baldness. The hair situation of your maternal grandmother is less clarifying, since female baldness follows a different pattern.

Besides the X chromosome, there are other chromosomes influencing baldness. There are 11 other genetic sequences of varying importance identified so far, located on various chromosomes. These genes all interact which each other, affecting male pattern baldness positively or negatively. More research needs to be performed in order to fully understand the relative effect of those genes.

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Why your maternal grandfather’s genes reveal more

The autosomal genes related to baldness can be inherited from either your father or mother. Since numerous autosomal genes are related to baldness, they can form pairs in many different combinations, meaning there is an unknown chance that your father’s baldness genes are effectuated. If your father or paternal grandparents are bald, you indeed have the chance of becoming bald yourself, but it is unknown how probable this is.

However, since you only have one set of sex genes, the risk related to the baldness determining X-chromosome is concentrated. Therefore, you should watch your maternal grandfather’s scalp closely!

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