Stimulate your hair growth with a derma roller

Stimulate your hair growth with a derma roller

When you suffer from hair loss, a shampoo and/or lotion quickly come to mind as a solution. But did you know that these products work much more effectively when combined with the use of a dermaroller? Find out exactly how a dermaroller works and how to get the most out of hair growth stimulating products using this innovative technique.

What is a derma roller?

A derma roller, also known as a scalp roller, is a compact and handy device equipped with a roller containing hundreds of microscopic needles. These needles range in length from 0.3 to 1.0 millimetre. When you roll the dermaroller over the skin, the needles make tiny holes in the skin. The holes are so small that the rolling is painless and does not bleed. This process, known as microneedling, is used for various skin problems such as scars, fine lines and hair growth.

How does a derma roller help with hair growth?

The tiny holes made in the scalp by the scalp roller promote the skin's natural healing process. In doing so, the scalp roller stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, important building blocks for healthy skin and hair growth. In addition, a dermaroller improves blood circulation to the hair follicles, allowing more nutrients to reach the hair roots. This can result in thicker and fuller hair.

Haven't used a dermaroller for the scalp before? Then we recommend choosing a scalp roller with needles 0.3 millimetres long. This is because you don't know how your scalp reacts to the dermaroller and this way you avoid serious irritations.

Dermaroller HGS (0,3 mm)

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Il dermaroller HGS è stato progettato per migliorare il trattamento della caduta dei capelli aumentando l'efficacia delle lozioni topiche. Utilizzare il dermaroller sul cuoio capelluto prima del trattamento con una lozione topica. Lozioni topiche come Spectral DNC-N (Nanoxidil), Neofollics (barba) Lotion e Minoxidil saranno assorbite meglio dalla pelle.

Better absorption of hair growth products

Besides stimulating hair growth, a scalp roller also helps improve the absorption of hair growth products. The small holes in the skin make it easier for active ingredients in hair growth lotions to penetrate deeper into the skin. This allows these products to work more effectively. By combining a scalp roller with a hair growth lotion, you can significantly improve the effectiveness of the treatment.

Lozione Neofollics

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La lozione stimolante la crescita dei capelli Neofollics è clinicamente testata per stimolare la crescita di nuovi capelli e combatterne la caduta. La lozione può anche garantire capelli più folti e pieni. La lozione Neofollics contiene un'alta concentrazione di 10 ingredienti attivi di comprovata efficacia, combinati nel complesso Neoxyl® per la crescita dei capelli.

How to use a scalp roller correctly?

Using a derma roller correctly is important for best results and to avoid skin irritation. Follow these steps:

  • Disinfect the scalp roller: Disinfect the roller with alcohol before use to prevent infections.
  • Roll the derma roller over your scalp: Place the roller gently and with light pressure on the skin. Roll the roller five times from left to right and from bottom to top. Then roll back and forth diagonally five times.
  • Wait to apply hair growth lotion: After using the scalp roller, wait at least 12 hours before applying any hair growth lotion to avoid irritation. For example, if you use the scalp roller in the morning, you can apply lotion in the evening.
  • Frequency of use: Use the derma roller twice a week, with a three-day rest period. For example, roll on Monday morning and then on Thursday evening.
  • Clean the scalp roller after use: After each treatment, rinse the roller under a hot tap and disinfect again. After six months of use, the roller needs replacing.

Is the effect of a derma roller permanent?

If you use a dermaroller for your hair growth, you have to do it every day to grow new hairs. However, the result of a scalp roller is not permanent. By using the dermaroller, you can slow down hair loss, but it does not stop future baldness completely. As soon as you stop using the scalp roller, your hair may fall out again. So, the derma roller can make your hair fuller temporarily, but you have to keep using it for a permanent effect.