Getting older is part of life. But sometimes you face its consequences without agreeing or feeling that way. We are, of course, talking about hair greying. Most men start seeing their first grey hairs from the age of 30. Women can expect it a little later. From the age of 35, the first grey hairs make an appearance. Can you do anything about it? The short answer is: yes.
Getting older is part of life. But sometimes you face its consequences without agreeing or feeling that way. We are, of course, talking about hair greying. Most men start seeing their first grey hairs from the age of 30. Women can expect it a little later. From the age of 35, the first grey hairs make an appearance. Can you do anything about it? The short answer is: yes.
Before we get into the solutions, it is important to understand what triggers grey hair. Your hair colour comes from the substance melanin. This is the natural pigment responsible not only for the colour of your hair, but also your skin and eyes. As we age, melanin production can decrease, leading to the appearance of grey hair. So your grey hair actually contains no colour. Early greying is partly genetic, but oxidative stress and a lack of certain nutrients can also play a role.
A reduction in melanin is not the only process that contributes to grey hair. The accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in hair follicles also plays a role. The body naturally produces small amounts of hydrogen peroxide. This occurs as a by-product of various metabolic processes. Normally, this is broken down by the enzyme catalase. With age, alongside melanin, catalase activity decreases, causing hydrogen peroxide to accumulate.
The science behind anti-grey treatments
Tackling grey hair is surprisingly difficult. Once hair is completely grey, there is no melanin left to give your hair colour back. Therefore, the most commonly cited advice is often to dye your hair, or accept greying. In the meantime, though, there are a number of options to deal with it.
One of the first grey hair treatments formulated was catalase. This enzyme breaks down hydrogen peroxide in the hair follicles. Making sure you get catalase back into the body could be one approach to tackling grey hair. Hence, supplements containing catalase can be found on the market. Just like melanin supplements, for that matter.
There are also recent developments in anti-greying treatments that address it differently. Products with Greyverse or Darkenyl help get colour back into the hair.
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Greyverse is a patented ingredient specifically designed to stimulate melanin production in the hair follicles. It contains a melanocyte-stimulating hormone, which stimulates the activity of melanocytes, the cells that produce melanin. Studies have shown that Greyverse can help restore natural hair colour and reduce the density of grey hair. How it works.
Greyverse stimulates MC1-R and promotes pigment production, leading to increased melanin production.
Thanks to the α-MSH biomimetic peptide, it targets the causes of grey hair.
Brings back the pigmentation of grey hair
The science behind Darkenyl
Darkenyl is a formula that has been proven effective in individual studies. It stimulates melanin production in the hair follicle and reduces oxidative stress, preventing greying and restoring natural hair colour.
Darkenyl is a unique combination of several ingredients: taxifolin glucoside and N-acetyl-tyrosine:
Taxifolin glucoside protects hair follicles from oxidation.
N-acetyl-tyrosine stimulates stem cells and activates the process that produces pigment, leading to increased melanin production.
It offers a comprehensive solution to combat hair ageing, regardless of gender, hair type or hair colour.
Clinical studies with Greyverse and Darkenyl
A clinical study using a topical formulation with a 2% solution of Greyverse showed promising results in treating premature hair greying. The findings showed that the biomimetic peptide could preserve the functioning of melanin-producing cells and promote hair colouring, thereby reducing the greying process of the hair.
Darkenyl is another breakthrough forum formula that targets hair stem cells and melanin production. It protects the melanocytes and stimulates the production of melanin, returning natural hair colour.
Use an anti-grey hair serum: Choose a serum that contains Greyverse or Darkenyl, such as Neofollics Anti-Grey Hair Serum. Apply a few drops of the serum to the scalp and gently massage it in. For best results, it is recommended to do this every night before bed.
Stimola la produzione di melanina nei capelli bianchi.
Rallenta il processo di invecchiamento per ripristinare gradualmente il colore naturale dei capelli.
Nutre e idrata il cuoio capelluto riducendo la comparsa dei capelli bianchi.
Nourish your hair from within: A balanced diet with enough vitamins and minerals is essential for healthy hair. Make sure you get enough vitamin B12, iron, zinc and copper. Consider a supplement if you think you are deficient.
Neofollics compresse anti-grigio è un integratore alimentare potente e naturale che contrasta i capelli grigi e favorisce la pigmentazione dei capelli.
Le compresse contrastano le 4 cause principali dei capelli grigi.
Per farlo, utilizza un trattamento unico in due fasi.
Favorisce la produzione di pigmento melaninico da parte dell'organismo.
Contiene catalasi. L'assenza di catalasi produce una reazione a catena che fa diventare i capelli grigi.
Contenuto: 60 capsule, sufficienti per 1-2 mesi a seconda del dosaggio.
We know, it's easier said than done. But it is important to avoid and/or reduce stress. It can have a big impact on hair colour. Try reducing stress through relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation or breathing exercises.
Reduce oxidative stress
Protect your hair from oxidative stress: Exposure to UV rays and pollution can cause oxidative stress, which leads to grey hair. Use a hat or scarf to protect your hair from the sun, and avoid harsh chemicals and heat styling.