Finasteride - the pros and cons

Finasteride, also known by its brand name Propecia, is a well-known hair loss medicine that has been available on prescription for a long time. Finasteride inhibits the production of the hormone DHT that affects hair follicles. It is considered one of the most effective treatments for hereditary hair loss, so the possible side effects are taken for granted by many men.
Finasteride - the pros and cons

Finasteride - the pros and cons

Finasteride, also known by its brand name Propecia, is a well-known hair loss medicine that has been available on prescription for a long time. Finasteride inhibits the production of the hormone DHT that affects hair follicles. It is considered one of the most effective treatments for hereditary hair loss, so the possible side effects are taken for granted by many men.
Indice dei contenuti

What is DHT, and why should it be inhibited in androgenetic alopecia?

The effectiveness of finasteride is due to the drug's DHT-inhibiting effect. DHT stands for dihydrotestosterone and is the major culprit of hereditary hair loss. It is a male hormone created from its precursor testosterone by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. DHT is a much more active substance and has a stronger androgenic effect than testosterone. So DHT is even more responsible for biological male characteristics such as body hair, increased muscle mass and a deeper voice. Everyone has DHT, but in people with hereditary hair loss, the hair follicles are sensitive to this hormone. It attaches itself to the cells of the hair follicles. With this, it disrupts the functioning of the hair follicles and eventually causes them to shrivel up. How it is possible that this binding causes disruption is not yet fully understood.

The effect of finasteride

A meta-analysis of studies on finasteride confirmed its effective action for treating hereditary baldness in men. The analysis showed that after 6 to 12 months of treatment, hair count was 9 per cent higher in patients taking finasteride compared to men receiving a placebo. This difference increased with time. After 48 months of treatment, the average number of hairs was 24 per cent higher in men treated with finasteride.

Another study also found that age seems to play a role in the response to treatment. The treatment was more effective in younger men (18 to 41 years) than in older men (41 to 60 years). Besides the improvement in hair number, other factors, such as an increase in hair thickness, colour and length, may also contribute to the perception of a fuller head of hair during treatment.

View the meta-analysis here:



of men see a reduction in hair loss when using finasteride


months is needed to see results


the percentage of men experiencing sexual side effects varies, but ranges up to 10%


suffers from change in behaviour such as depression

The treatment

Specifically, finasteride treatment means taking a daily dose of 1 mg. This is generally the dose prescribed by a doctor, but it can be deviated from. The pill can be taken with or without food. Treatment must be maintained for at least a year to assess the result. This is because it does not work for everyone. It must also be continued to maintain efficacy. Stopping treatment means that the results obtained will be lost after six to nine months. Finasteride is a registered drug and available only on prescription. It should only be prescribed to men.

Side effects of finasteride

The most controversial aspect about finasteride, is its side effects. Because these are not mild. The side effects associated with the use of finasteride are as follows:

  • impotence
  • lack of ejaculation
  • reduced volume of the ejaculate
  • reduced libido
  • manly breast formation
  • erection disorders
  • ejaculatory disorders
  • painful testicles

These sexual side effects are shown to varying degrees in different studies. There is not quite a consensus on the percentage of users who suffer from them, as it is mostly self-reported. The side effects usually disappear after discontinuing treatment. However, side effects may persist in some cases. In a study of 71 men who associated their symptoms of sexual dysfunction with the use of finasteride for hair loss, 20 per cent saw persistent symptoms. This appears to persist up to six years after stopping the medication.

Another side effect mentioned is depression. Studies showed a significant difference in cases of depression due to finasteride use. The exact connection in this regard has not yet been fully established. As men often cited decreased libido and impotence as one of the reasons for their gloom and depressed mood. Men with a genetic predisposition to mental health problems should be wary of taking finasteride, though. Also, suicides have even been linked to finasteride use.

Read the studies here:

Alternatives to finasteride

As described above, finasteride can cause unpleasant side effects. Although it is an effective drug and most users do not experience serious side effects, there are other options available that have the same effect and are based on natural ingredients. Neofollics' hair growth support tablets contain a potent blend of only high-quality, natural ingredients designed to promote hair growth from within. Like finasteride, Neofollics tablets work by inhibiting DHT. In addition, they contain a wide range of amino acids, minerals and vitamins essential for healthy hair growth.

È dimostrato che la formulazione appositamente studiata aiuta a mantenere una crescita normale dei capelli, mantenendo i capelli forti e lucenti, migliorare il volume dei capelli

Conclusion: is finasteride worth it?

The strong DHT-inhibiting effect of finasteride has significant effects on the body. As with many substances in our body, DHT has an important function. By inhibiting DHT, it reduces the chances of it attacking hair follicles, allowing you to keep or regain your full head of hair. But shrinking hair follicles is not the only function of DHT; rather, it is a side effect. This is evidenced by possible side effects such as erectile dysfunction, depressed mood and reduced libido. Reduced DHT levels interfere with certain body processes, but which exactly these are has not yet been sufficiently researched.

The question you should ask yourself is whether this is worth the risk. Do you take the chance of these possible side effects for granted for a full head of hair? Or do you accept your hair loss or look at other, less violent ways to combat hair loss?


Inhibiting DHT can, in fact, be obtained in other ways. There are ingredients found in nature such as Ecklonia cava and green tea extract with proven DHT-inhibiting properties. Dutch company Neofollics produces a lotion that incorporates these ingredients.

La lozione Neofollics contiene un'elevata concentrazione di 10 principi attivi comprovati, combinati nel complesso Neoxyl per la crescita dei capelli. Molecole per la crescita dei capelli: Adenosina, Vividina e Aminexil. Sei potenti estratti vegetali, tra cui Ecklonia cava e Raspberry ketone Peptidi che migliorano il flusso sanguigno del cuoio capelluto e inibiscono l'infiammazione

Terapia laser a basso livello

Another option could be to switch to Low Level Laser Therapy treatment using Theradome's laser helmet. The helmet contains laser lamps that use a very specific frequency to stimulate that hair growth. A big advantage is that this technique has no proven side effects.

Il trattamento con Theradome assicura la crescita di nuovi capelli sani, raddoppiando le dimensioni dei follicoli dei capelli esistenti, rallentando e arrestando la caduta dei capelli

Frequently asked questions

Finasteride is a medication that reduces hair loss by inhibiting the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). By lowering DHT levels, finasteride helps prevent hair follicle miniaturization, which is the primary cause of androgenetic alopecia.

Visible results typically take 3–6 months of consistent use, with maximum benefits often seen after 12 months. Finasteride needs to be taken daily for continued effectiveness, as stopping it may reverse the progress.

Finasteride is generally not recommended for women, especially those who are pregnant or may become pregnant, as it can cause birth defects. Some doctors may prescribe it off-label for postmenopausal women, but this use requires close monitoring and a clear understanding of the risks.

Common side effects include decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and reduced ejaculatory volume, occurring in about 1-3% of users. These side effects are usually reversible upon discontinuation, but some users report persistent symptoms.

Yes, finasteride is often combined with other treatments like minoxidil and ketoconazole shampoo. This combination may enhance results by addressing hair loss from multiple angles.